Cyberpunk 2077 Has A Trouser Problem

Cyberpunk 2077, the newest and buzziest game from Polish developer CD Projeckt Red, has a tiny problem. Gamers have shared via Twitter that, well, their characters' genitals are clipping through their clothing.


The game includes a slew of customization options. Because players see the world of Night City through the first person, genitals and other anatomical details don't affect gameplay much, but their inclusion has led to some discussion of why this option needed to be there at all — especially considering that some characters' personal areas are hanging out for all of Night City to see.

Cyberpunk 2077 has suffered from a slew of bugs — a disappointing turn of events for some considering CD Projeckt Red crunched to finish its already delayed game. Unexpected accidents are almost a given considering the minute details available to gamers in Cyberpunk 2077's character creator, but you might wonder why including genitals is such an important part of the title.


Critics and players alike seem to have mixed feelings about the topic. In an article for a Cyberpunk fan site, Mila Grish asserted that customization is a breakthrough for gamers who want to play as a transgender or nonbinary character. It's true that representation matters, both in video games and the wider world of media, but other outlets have labeled the game as transphobic, arguing that tying your character's voice to their gender limits characters more than any inclusion or lack of genitals.

If you're not a fan of seeing everyone's unmentionables and want to avoid the situation altogether, Reddit user A_Dog_Named_Bear has mercifully filled in the details on nudity in the character creator. While there have been some questions regarding the playability of Cyberpunk 2077, many fans remain excited to have such an in-depth character creation system. Few games take the time to indulge players by including sliders for penis size, and now we may have an answer as to why. Of course, you can always choose to just leave it up to the imagination by choosing the boxers-only option.

Cyberpunk 2077 is out now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Google Stadia, and PC, and will release on next-gen consoles in 2021.


