Sony May Have Some Major Sequels In The Works

Former PlayStation Studio head Michael Mumbauer has given fans hints about Sony's next moves in his LinkedIn profile, where he has listed his "latest achievement." According to Mumbauer, he succeeding in building "a brand new, all-star, AAA Action/Adventure development team for Playstation." Furthermore, Mumbauer's profile states that this mysterious San Diego-based team was "assembled to expand upon existing franchises." 


The update to Mumbauer's LinkedIn has excited Sony fans, all but confirming the development of a new sequel to a beloved Sony franchise, and rumors have been flying. There's no actual news on which franchise or IP is getting a new game, but Mumbauer gave fans another hint. So far, this newer studio doesn't have any known titles that are being worked on, but there's been plenty of speculation that it's working closely with Naughty Dog. This leads to the idea that this new title could be part of the Uncharted series.

Mumbauer added a video from YouTuber RobinGaming that predicts an Uncharted 5 release to his LinkedIn Featured Works section. The Featured Works section of a LinkedIn profile is populated solely by the user, meaning that Mumbauer has linked that specific video to appear on his front page. This video is approaching three years old, but Mumbauer now has it front and center on his LinkedIn profile.


While this isn't any official news, it's got fans raving about the possibilities. The intentional video placement could be a hint to dedicated fans, or it could be Mumauer having a laugh. He has worked on every Uncharted release, so it could be personal speculation on his part now that he's left Playstation.

Uncharted is a game series developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony exclusively on Playstation. The games have brought in massive success, and they've been staple Playstation exclusives. There's even an Uncharted movie releasing!

Another possible option is a remake of the original Uncharted game. Mumbauer said in an interview with David Jaffe that a new development team was created at Sony San Diego to specifically work on remakes. However, he also mentions that the team also worked on sequels, most notably The Last of Us 2.

This was back in December 2020, a month after Mumbauer left Playstation after 13 years according to LinkedIn, so the information could tie in. However, Uncharted isn't the only Sony franchise to exist, and fans are speculating on a God of War remake or sequel at the same time.

