Corpse Husband Reveals The Story Behind His Viral Tweet

Corpse Husband may be one of the fastest rising stars in the world of streaming, but there's still so much that fans don't know about him. Not only does the streamer refuse to show his face on camera, but nobody even knows his real name. While there are many things in Corpse's personal life that are likely to remain secretive, a recent interview shed some light on one of his most bizarre and divisive social media posts.


In an interview with Anthony Padilla, Corpse (represented in the video by an unearthly animated avatar) explained that why he once uploaded a voice memo to Twitter that simply consisted of him breathing into the microphone. That brief clip received hundreds of thousands of likes, as well as tens of thousands of retweets and comments. And according to Corpse's latest interview, he did it to make a point about his detractors.

"I get so much hate online, every single day," Corpse Husband told Padilla. Corpse explained, "People will get mad at anything that's popular. I [knew I'd] get so much s**t for literally breathing," which is why he uploaded the infamous voice memo. He also expected his fans to receive criticism for enjoying the tweet, and it turned out he was right. 


As if he were tempting fate, Padilla recreated Corpse's iconic breathing tweet by inhaling and exhaling right into his own mic, which Corpse seemed to appreciate. Padilla and Corpse then discussed the fact that much of the faceless streamer's fan base has been characterized as "toxic," but Corpse feels that his haters are the ones perpetuating that idea.

Corpse explained that he thinks the backlash he receives is all part of being popular, which is why people constantly compare his work to more prominent artists. Corpse theorized that people have notifications turned on for his posts just so they can go out of their way to hate on him. Padilla agreed that this is a phenomenon in internet culture, as he thinks some people keep a lookout for his own video uploads, just so they can downvote them.

While the tweet ended up being as controversial as he expected, Corpse seems fine with the attention, negative or not. He said that these kinds of trolls are actually driving up the plays on things like his song "E-Girls Are Ruining My Life," which is fine by him. He explained, "I like f**king with the world; it's fun. As much as everybody gets mad at me, I think it's funny that people get mad at a blank tweet." Ultimately, Corpse believes that his fans get what he's trying to do.


