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Why Dr Disrespect Is Coming For The New York Times

Dr Disrespect, the mustachioed YouTube streamer, has a new target in his sights: The New York Times. Specifically, Dr Disrespect has an issue with the New York Times' prestigious Best Seller list for books, which he feels has specifically left off his recent memoir, Violence. Speed. Momentum.


The eternally controversial Dr Disrespect wasted no time in letting The New York Times know that he felt slighted by the omission of his memoir on the Best Sellers book list. On April 7, Dr Disrepect tweeted, "Hey @nytimes, a book that made Top 15 on your new bestseller list sold under 5k copies. We sold more than that first day of announcing and we didn't even make the list?" The YouTube personality went on to call the newspaper "a scam" before elaborating in a follow-up tweet that said, "Our total numbers blow out these numbers, we should easily be Top 3 on this list."

While Dr Disrespect, who is well known for his Call of Duty: Warzone streams, probably has solid numbers for how many copies of his book have sold, it is less apparent where he is receiving information about his competitor's sales. The New York Times says, "The sales data that drives what books make the lists, and where they land within them, is sent by stores giant, tiny and in-between all across the country."


While Dr Disrespect claims that The New York Times Best Seller list appears to be treating Violence. Speed. Momentum. unfairly, he does seem determined to make the list. Before the book arrived on March 30, Dr Disrespect described in a tweet it as "A future NY Times Bestseller." Also, Dexerto reports that in a now-deleted tweet from the YouTube personality, he stated, "We created an objective and we blew it out of the water just to be f'd in the end. I like this challenge. Game on."

Dr Disrespect may not have made it on The New York Times Best Seller list, but there are other lists on which Violence. Speed. Momentum. is doing quite well. For instance, the Amazon listing for the book bizarrely places it in the first place spot on the website's list of "Minecraft Guides." Beyond that, the book is currently sitting in third place on the online retailer's "Internet & Social Media Humor" list (with the audiobook version in first place), while it resides in fifth place on the "Computers & Internet Humor" list.

However, as of this writing, Amazon also places Violence. Speed. Momentum. as the 1,089th item on the list of the top-selling books, meaning that it may not be selling as well against its competitors as Dr Disrespect thinks. While Amazon's best seller lists only track sales data from its own website, if the book cannot crack the top 1,000 on a site where the average Dr Disrespect fan is likely to find it, then Violence. Speed. Momentum. may indeed encounter problems making it on The New York Times' Best Seller list.


