Ludwig Just Paid His Mods A Staggering Amount Of Money

After an epic 31-day subathon, Twitch star Ludwig gave his chat moderators a massive quantity of cash to thank them for their hard work. According to a tweet from moderator "Slime," AKA @Slime_Machine on Twitter, the end amount was a whopping $167,000.


The mod team went above and beyond keeping the chat clean — they also took the time to keep fans engaged while Ludwig was sleep-streaming through games and chats. And now, based on a Google spreadsheet put together by dedicated fans to document the potential expenses and earnings of the subathon, they're walking away with a cool $9,824 each. That's enough for any gamer to have a heyday, especially given how long the stream ended up lasting as Ludwig racked up more and more followers.

Gamers on Twitter were surprised and excited by this news overall, as evidenced by replies to Slime's tweet announcing the end payout. User @VJDarkWorld wrote, "Legit I think this is the highest moderators has ever been paid for their services on the internet, ever." Echoing the sentiment, user @KILLATR0N wrote, "It's a great that you guys paid them, it was the right thing to do and sets a great example. Good stuff." Many folks joked about wanting to get hired for next time. Joining in on the fun with a quip about throwback MMO RuneScape, user @Luv_siic said, "I have 99 fishing on runescape, where do I apply?"


All jokes aside, Ludwig made history in more ways than one during his 31-day subathon. He beat out Ninja's long-standing record for most Twitch subscribers, and this mod payday may even set a precedent. While they wait for Ludwig to come up with new surprises, fans are still wrapping their minds around everything that happened during the most content-packed month ever. Whether Ludwig is fighting his own fridge, chilling with his partner and fellow streamer QTCinderella, sleeping, or streaming actual video game content, he's clearly got an eager audience.

Though the subathon was a success, and clearly quite lucrative, Ludwig might not see as much money as you'd think. Based on the numbers fans have put together, out of the estimated $1 million+ raised by the stream, Ludwig may have taken home around $200k post-tax after giving Twitch its share, while over $350k likely went to charity. Keep in mind that this figure doesn't include any ad revenue.

Whatever's next for Ludwig is surely big, but for now, give it up for possibly the highest-paid mods of all time.

