Ninja Returns To Fortnite, Immediately Brags About His Wealth

It's fair to say that Ninja might be one of the most controversial streamers in the biz — some content creators are so frustrated with him that they've claimed they could beat him in a fight. Recently, he returned to "Fortnite" — the very same game that he said he'd never play again —  and quickly began bragging about his wealth. 


While streaming, Ninja got on the topic of money earned from the "Fortnite" Support-A-Creator program. In his biggest month, Ninja claims to have made around $5 million just from the "Fortnite" program.

In case you're not familiar with the details about the Support-A-Creator program from Epic Games, it's essentially a way for players to pledge to a specific creator. Once a player does so, purchases of things like V-Bucks in "Fortnite" and even some games will kick money back to the pledged creator. The program gives about 5% of purchases back to creators. The program page mentions that some games might be worth more, depending on the developer, but that the minimum rate is 5%. In other words, for Ninja to have made $5 million in a month means that at least $100 million was spent, either on "Fortnite" or on the Epic Games Store, by customers who had pledged to the popular streamer.


While it's arguable whether or not Ninja was bragging about his success with the program, he did admit to bragging about his wealth at another point in the same conversation — in fact, he went so far as to say that he could buy one critical viewer's family tree, whatever that means. 

Ninja's making money in more areas than one

This isn't the first time Ninja has made a point of flaunting his success. In 2020, Ninja said on-stream that he could foreclose someone's home by buying the bank it was mortgaged under. The comment earned him some criticism, but it that doesn't seem to have deterred him.


While he's still making money from the Support-A-Creator program, he has a few other sources of passive revenue coming in that he discusses on stream. After mentioning that it was a roundabout number and that he couldn't disclose an actual figure due to the program's terms of service, Ninja explained that all sources of passive revenue are helpful, simply since he doesn't stream as much as he used to.

He stated that Support-A-Creator codes are still part of his income, but he listed out a few other sources: real estate, stocks, and investments. As he mentioned, "money that makes you money while you sleep" is ideal. When he's not streaming, these other money-making moves are helpful sources of income. However, when he streams, his subscribers and viewer donations are also filling his pockets.


In recent weeks, Ninja has gotten back to acting like his old self, raging hard at games and bragging about money — but to be fair, that level of confidence is what helped him rise to the top in the first place.

