The Only Reason You're Getting A Resident Evil Village DLC

"Resident Evil Village" continues to amaze fans and, it turns out, the Capcom development team. The art director for "Village," Tomonori Takano, didn't anticipate the internet's love of characters like Lady Dimitrescu, and expressed his shock at every turn during the release process. After fans began to calculate the vampire's height for themselves, Takano released a statement thanking fans for their response and revealing her true height. Now, fans are demanding something more serious than a character's height: they want more "Village."


Early in its E3 presentation, Capcom displayed a message teasing more information about upcoming DLC for "Resident Evil Village," saying that the additional content is on the way because of fans' "popular demand." As of now, there's no new information on the DLC other than the fact that production has begun, but Capcom's notice of fans' desires is heartwarming. 

It's true that fans have been clamoring for additional content in "Resident Evil 8," including more detailed backstories on the game's monsters, including the four lords. Following the DLC announcement, gamers expressed their excitement online. One fan said, "Glad 'RE8' DLC is already a work in progress. I have total faith in Capcom, they managed to save the 'Resident Evil' series with '7' and '8.' Hope we get it late 2021/2022!"


Re:Verse is also on the way

Another player said they thought that "'Resident Evil' is more relevant [than ever] and is at the highest priority for Capcom right now," pointing out that multiple sequels and remakes have hit the market in just a few short years.


It's true that Capcom has worked diligently to reinvigorate (and in some ways reinvent) the franchise over the past few years. "Resident Evil 7" was the first title in the series to incorporate a first-person POV, making characters feel closer to the game's protagonist, Ethan Winters. Now, titles like "Resident Evil 8" are pushing the boundaries of the series' lore, weaving a complex mythos for fans to pick apart and enjoy.

The Capcom presentation also featured news about "Resident Evil Re:Verse," which will arrive this summer. "Re:Verse" is an online survival horror multiplayer that allows players to fight to the death as various characters from the "Resident Evil" series. Players who purchased "Resident Evil 8" will receive "Re:Verse" for free and be able to battle head to head with their friends. After a brief delay in development, players will finally get to duke it out as their favorite "Resident Evil" heroes and villains in July 2021.


It's undeniable that the success of "Resident Evil Village" has breathed fresh air into the spooky franchise, and fans are more than excited to see what comes next.

