Borderlands Fans Are Going Wild Over This New Movie Photo

The "Borderlands" movie features an all-star lineup of actors for the first big budget live-action adaptation of the popular video game franchise. The cast members have occasionally tweeted about progress on set, keeping fans in the loop about the production, but now the movie's official social media account has confirmed that filming for the movie has ended.


For weeks, fans have only seen silhouettes of the characters starring in the movie. So, to celebrate the end of filming, both the "Borderlands" movie and Gearbox Software official Twitter accounts shared an image of the team's robot companion, Claptrap. Jack Black voices the sassy robot NPC in the upcoming movie, but the bot itself looks like it burst right out of the games and into real life.

"Claptrap rolling in hot with news from the set of the @BorderlandsFilm! Filming for the #BorderlandsMovie has wrapped!" Gearbox tweeted.

@BorderlandsFilm tweeted a similar message, letting fans know that Claptrap "made it down the stairs safely" and that the team hoped to see them in theaters. "See you in 20," the tweet read, followed by two bomb emojis. The stairs joke likely refers to Claptrap's aversion to stairs, which he loudly makes known in the games. "20" confused many of the commenters, though many assumed that the 20 had to do with the release year (which may be 2022 or 2023).


What fans expect from the Borderlands movie

Many fans expressed surprise that the filming was already finished. Some pointed out that green screen scenes could have hastened the amount of time needed to film. Meanwhile, other commenters complained at the mere existence of the celebratory tweets, claiming nobody cared and that the movie was going to be "a train wreck" anyway. 


This led to other fans stepping in and defending the movie. "I also love how everyone is so negative about it. Are your lives that miserable that you believe everything will be terrible? Reflect, don't project," one user tweeted.

Fans have been split over casting choices and the fact the movie was even being made in the first place. Director Eli Roth previously praised Black as a perfect fit because of his funny guy persona, but others have been turned off by the prospect of the actor participating in the film. Kevin Hart received similar backlash after his announcement as serious soldier Roland. 

Claptrap's appearance follows Gearbox's underwhelming E3 presentation, during which Randy Pitchford toured the set of the "Borderlands" film. The exact release date for the movie hasn't been confirmed, though many estimate it will come to theaters in 2022. 


