Valkyrae Opens Up About Her Scary Hospital Visit

Valkyrae fans were recently worried about their favorite streamer after she reported going to the hospital for a suspected ruptured appendix. The incident forced Valkyrae's hand and led to her disrupting her usual streaming schedule, but there was no way she could have anticipated what happened next. After returning home and recuperating a bit, the 100 Thieves co-owner shared the harrowing details of her unplanned hospital stay on stream, raising awareness of a relatively common problem many women face.


Valkyrae said she woke in the middle of the night with a debilitating pain in her abdomen. She did what any internet-savvy person would do and searched the web for possible sources of her pain. All signs pointed to appendicitis, so she made her way to the hospital to get checked out.

"This hospital experience is like a horror video game," Valkyrae said. The hospital was busy and crowded, with patients waiting in the hallways." Valkyrae even said one patient was fighting a nurse in another room, while a man next to her cried out for help. She added that the experience reminded her of her late father, who spent time in the hospital when he was battling cancer.

Valkyrae shared that when she finally saw a doctor, they thought that she might have ovarian cysts, not appendicitis. Valkyrae agreed that the diagnosis made sense, and she received an IV and a large bruise on her arm, which she showed off on stream. After having blood drawn and waiting for a while longer, a doctor told Valkyrae they wanted to do an ultrasound in order to verify she had an ovarian cyst. Things only got wilder from there.


All's well that ends well

While getting an ultrasound (from an enthusiastic intern) Valkyrae wasn't prepared for the internal ultrasound. "So yeah, they take this camera thing and, uh, they put it in, and it was the most uncomfortable thing ever!" Valkyrae said.


After six long hours of waiting, a doctor returned to Valkyrae to tell her that everything seemed okay. According to Valkyrae, The report from the exam found no abnormalities, but the hospital wanted her to return the next day for a "repeat exam." Rather than dealing with the discomfort, she chose to stream instead. Because she felt much better, and because the doctors didn't find anything concerning in her tests, Valkyrae decided to simply  keep a close eye on her body and see if she continued to feel better. 

"I think that we did testing in the wrong area," she said. "But I am very, very, very glad that I went, because I know for a fact that my ovaries are okay." 

To top off her harrowing day, Valkyrae was laid up in bed while her landlord showed the house to prospective buyers. When one potential buyer recognized her, he asked, "Oh, wow, so ... you guys are all streamers, so, you work for 100 Thieves?" Then Valkyrae replied, still feeling awful, "I'm actually the co-owner!" 


Thankfully, Valkyrae made it through the day in one piece and felt well enough to share the story with her fans. Though the experience was rather traumatic, some of her followers may have appreciated her frank discussion of how stressful hospital visits can be. At the very least, it may destigmatize the process of getting help for many viewers.

