Meet Dr Disrespect's Wife, Mrs Assassin

Guy Beahm, who streams under the name and persona of Dr Disrespect, has made a living by inhabiting a character he created for the internet. However, sometimes his real life creeps into his online business. A big part of Dr Disrespect's life before fame included his beautiful wife, who goes by the codename of "Mrs Assassin" on his streams.


Dr Disrespect's fans don't know much about Mrs Assassin, but that doesn't mean that she hasn't played an integral part in his career. Mrs Assassin now serves as a full-blown character in the Dr Disrespect universe, with her own in-jokes and plotlines that carry forward in the streaming world. While her famous husband has revealed a bit about what he was like before his rise to popularity, Mrs Assassin chooses to keep most aspects of her life private. She's appeared with Dr Disrespect at various events, but typically chooses not to show her face on screen, instead revealing only her hands.

However, a few key things have been revealed about the woman behind the Doc. It's time to get to know Mrs Assassin.


Mrs Assassin recovered from personal hardship to be a bigger part of Doc's streams

Back in 2017, the Doc went online (and out of costume) to announce that he'd be taking a break from streaming. In his broadcast, he admitted that he'd been unfaithful in his marriage. While many people would have ended things there, it seems that Mrs Assassin and Dr Disrespect worked on their marriage during his hiatus. When the Doc returned to the online world, Mrs Assassin was a bigger part of his streaming routine, and it seemed as though Dr Disrespect chose to integrate his family into his streaming life instead of losing them completely.


After Doc's return, Mrs Assassin could frequently be (partially) seen — more on that in a moment. Her presence was meant to bring some humor and levity to the Doc's often competitive and stressful streams, and for many, it worked. Fans frequently mention Mrs Assassin in Doc's chat, asking how she is or when she'll make an appearance. 

Of course, not all fans were in support of the changes. Some have voiced their irritation at Mrs Assassin's new role on Doc's channel, calling it "cringey." One fan suggested that Mrs Assassin wanted to "keep tabs" on the Doc by participating in his streams. While the couple never publicly addressed Mrs Assassin's new role, fans have certainly made their own conclusions.


Mrs. Assassin has made some hilarious cameos

Mrs Assassin's appearances have a very specific tone when she does show up on the Doc's streams. Even though in the mythos of Dr Disrespect's world, she's a deadly killer with a high body count, Mrs Assassin typically acts as the Doc's loving support team while he streams. She can frequently be seen handing him food from off camera. Sometimes she uses her giant, diamond-encrusted blade to hand Doc hot dogs or other small food items, only allowing her hand and arm to be visible. She often dresses for the occasion by wearing a black lace glove as well. 


Mrs Assassin fully appeared on stream at least once, accidentally clipping through Dr Disrespect's green screen background. She quickly realized her mistake and ducked down, with only her hands remaining visible as they slid food onto the Doc's desk. Both shared a laugh over the mistake and Dr Disrespect joked that a "hologram" had just appeared.

Once, during a particularly stressful match, Mrs Assassin reached into frame, stroking Dr Disrespect's face in a comical fashion. This sort of display seems to show that she's more than happy to be part of his online persona, involved in his work and supportive of what has turned into his full-time job. With the Doc looking to get into more IRL streaming in the future, one wonders how Mrs Assassin will appear in content without showing her face.


She had Doc's back when he needed it most

Dr Disrespect has had his own struggles since he was banned from Twitch in 2020, particularly with anxiety, but Mrs Assassin has been there for him through it all. After the ban and before the Doc's triumphant return to YouTube, Mrs Assassin shared a heartfelt post on her Instagram page. 


In the now deleted post (via The Blast), Mrs Assassin said, "The outpouring of love, support, strength and kindness has truly been overwhelming. You all have made my heart full and I can not thank you enough. No one better out there than the [Champions Club]. You guys are amazing! Much love to you all." 

Mrs Assassin stepped in at a time when Dr Disrespect couldn't easily access his fans in order to share that his viewers' well wishes hadn't fallen on deaf ears. Even though Mrs Assassin rarely addresses Doc's viewers head-on, the situation was too serious to stay silent. Mrs Assassin stood by Dr Disrespect during this difficult time, showing what a well-oiled team they've become in both marriage and in business.


