Rumors Say This Acclaimed Studio Is Working On Star Wars

Quantic Dream, developer of "Detroit: Become Human" and other award-winning adventure games, might be making a "Star Wars" game. French YouTuber Gautoz observed that the studio looks like it may be jumping to Disney after ending its contract with Sony. This comes after news of Lucasfilm Games opening itself up to pitches for the "Star Wars" IP. 


Gautoz reportedly referenced Quantic Dream's former partnership with Sony and the fact that the developer is done making PlayStation exclusives. "They now finished their contract with Sony and will be signing with Disney," he said in one of his recent videos (translation via Video Games Chronicle). "It looks like they will be working on a Star Wars game." 

Gautoz apparently isn't the only one who thinks such a deal is in the works, either. Industry insider Tom Henderson posted "Detroit: Become Human" character art with lightsabers crossed in front of their face at around the same time as Gautoz's video went live. Not long after, Henderson referenced Gautoz's video, saying that the French YouTuber seemed to have heard the same news as him. Although Henderson didn't directly answer questions from commenters, onlookers found that he had liked many comments suggesting the possibility of a "Star Wars" game. In other words, it seems like Henderson believes a "Star Wars" game is on the way from Quantic Dream. But is that really the case?


What has Quantic Dream said about Star Wars?

To date, Quantic Dream hasn't officially announced anything to do with "Star Wars." However, the timing behind the scenes lines up just conveniently enough that it could be true. Lucasfilm Games's recent partnership with Ubisoft was the best news yet for "Star Wars" video game fans, as it signaled the end of EA's exclusive hold on the IP, as well as the start of production on an untitled open-world "Star Wars" project. 


Douglas Reilly, Vice President of Lucasfilm Games, spoke with the official "Star Wars" website about its new direction for "Star Wars" games at the beginning of 2021. He explained at the time, "We want to uncover the stories they've always imagined telling and make them resonate with our fans, and across the wider "Star Wars" galaxy." Perhaps Quantic Dream will be an integral part of the expansion of the "Star Wars" multimedia empire.

Quantic Dream previously teased exciting news and big surprises coming in 2021. However, the developer never followed up on what those so-called exciting news and surprises were — possibly due to NDAs or other factors holding up formal announcements. "Star Wars" fans will just have to wait for more concrete news on the matter.


