Babylon's Fall - What We Know So Far

"Babylon's Fall" is the next third-person action game from Platinum Games and the team behind the critically-acclaimed "Nier Automata." The game features four-player co-op and takes place in a persistent online world. The title is also a PlayStation exclusive, set to release on PS4, PS5, and PC when it launches. The "Nier Automata" creator Yoko Taro has at least two games in the works, one of which includes the upcoming "Babylon's Falls."


The plot of"Babylon's Fall" is as insane as you would expect from a Platinum joint. A group of warriors goes on an odyssey to conquer the titanic Tower of Babylon. The warriors are equipped with Gideon Coffins, which allow them to wield up to four different weapons at once, allowing for tons of different loadout combinations and player build customization. "Babylon's Fall" also features a unique art style, which resembles oil paintings, giving the game the appearance of a flowing painting. Here's what we know so far about "Babylon's Fall." 

What is the release date for Babylon's Fall?

"Babylon's Fall" does not have a set release date, or even an estimated release window. Platinum Games admittedly does not have the best track record with releasing games in a timely manner after announcing them, with "Bayonetta 3" finally getting a 2022 release date after first being announced in 2017. While Platinum Games has not shared a release date, there are a few reasons to believe that "Babylon's Fall" could be closer than expected.


One of the biggest factors pointing to "Babylon's Fall" releasing sometime in 2022/2023 is the fact that it is releasing on both PS4 and PS5. Even PlayStation itself is releasing cross-gen games late into 2022 – as confirmed by its bad news for "God of War" fans — which seems to be the latest release date for cross-gen games so far. As time passes, it will become harder to make a game that is technically impressive if it still needs to release on older hardware. Another telling factor is that players can already sign up for a closed beta, which suggests the game is late in development.

Is there a trailer for Babylon's Fall?

"Babylon's Fall" got a brand new trailer during E3 2021, showing off the game's derelict fantasy world. "Babylon's Fall" has the type of environment expected from an RPG, showing a stonewalled city, a forest, volcano, and snowy region. After that, the trailer shows four players adventuring through the environment together, emphasizing the co-op nature of the game. All of the enemies shown shimmer with a mysterious blue liquid that glows, possibly hinting that the enemies in the game are infected by something, perhaps even from the tower.


The other main point of the trailer is showing off the gameplay of "Babylon's Fall" which appears to be an evolution of "Nier Automata." It has the same fast-paced, hack-and-slash combat that Platinum Games is known for. Characters are able to cycle through multiple weapons on the fly, allowing for creative combos. The trailer also provides a couple of tidbits of information about the story, showing some main characters in cutscenes with blue veins on their necks, implying that they could be infected by the same stuff as the enemies.

What kind of gameplay does Babylon's Falls have?

Also during E3 2021, Square Enix and Platinum Games released a gameplay overview, where multiple developers laid out exactly what type of game "Babylon's Fall" will be. They described the game as a four-player hack-and-slash RPG. While the game can be played solo, the dungeons are meant to be completed in parties of four, so solo players may need to be matched up with other players at certain points.


Similar to "Nier Automata" a player's weapons are constantly floating behind them in combat, but in "Babylon's Fall" players have four weapons simultaneously equipped in battle. There are also magic abilities in the game, allowing for a variety of play styles. Battle abilities can be chosen and combined to fit a specific combat style, like dealing extra damage after dodging an attack. The game has a main story to follow through, but will also receive continued support as an ongoing online game, with new dungeons and challenges being added to the game after launch.

