Hades 2: Will We Ever Get A Sequel?

An underdog success story from the underworld, "Hades" is easily one of the best roguelikes of all time with rave reviews from critics and fans alike. This indie dungeon crawler by Supergiant Games transports players to the pits of hell and back again as they take on the role of Zagreus, son of Hades, who navigates his way through an ever-changing landscape inspired by Greek mythology in a quest to find his long-lost mother. "Hades" had a big showing at the 2020 Game Awards, and it was incredibly popular with fans the same year.


Given the game's rapid rise to stardom that's kept it in the spotlight, it makes sense that its players are itching for a sequel. While anything can happen, there's currently no guarantee for a "Hades" sequel. In fact, one of its creators made some direct comments on the matter. While those hoping for "Hades 2" will likely be disappointed by what they learn, there are still some significant silver linings.

Hades Sequel Odds Are Slim

As of now, it seems there's only a snowball's chance in Asphodel that fans will get a "Hades" sequel — at least in the traditional, linear sense. As revealed through an August 2021 NME interview with Supergiant writer and designer Greg Kasavin, the game's creators "don't know" about a sequel. In fact, they've "never known in the past what comes next" since the team "never plan[s] our next game until we're done with the one that we're currently working on."


That being said, Kasavin also shared that "Hades" was heavily influenced by the previous Supergiant title "Pyre," which is "very, very different from 'Hades' in most respects." That means whatever game the developers go for next "will be heavily informed by our work experience with Hades -– but that doesn't guarantee much of anything about the form it'll take." There will be more games from the developers who hope to "stick together" and "keep making games for as long as we can." Whatever comes next will also feature "character-driven narratives," top-notch art and music, and the ability to enjoy different playstyles.

Fans of "Hades" have no choice but to make the most of future Supergiant titles in the likely absence of a possible "Hades 2." While nothing's set in stone, it seems more than likely that gamers will have to take what they can get, which looks like a spiritual succession to "Hades" at most. In the meantime, fans will have to stay busy with these other titles that are great fits for fans of "Hades."


