The Real Reason Sony Is Going Back To Making PS4s

Supply cain issues have marred the ninth generation of console gaming, with both the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X experiencing major shortages on a global scale. Finding a PS5 specifically has become extremely hard and have most definitely experienced the worst of this, with shortages occurring throughout 2021 and expected to last for much of 2022.


Of course, the newest generation of console gaming is only a little over a year into its lifespan, meaning that the last generation — consisting of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One — isn't completely antiquated just yet. In fact, most new releases being are being put out across both the ninth and eighth generations. Because of this, many gamers have elected (or have been forced) to stay on the older generation until the shortage issues subside. It seems that Sony has taken that into account with its most recent attempt to quell consumer demand, at least according to a new report.

Sony is producing more PS4 consoles to tide gamers over

Bloomberg reports that Sony will be producing over one million new PlayStation 4 units to make up for the lack of supply of PS5 consoles. This runs counter to Sony's original plan, which was to begin phasing the PS4 out in 2021. Since the PS4 uses older components, the console's production hasn't been quite so negatively impacted by global supply shortages. 


In the Bloomberg report, one Sony employee said that the company's reasoning behind producing more PS4 consoles was to "fill the supply vacuum and keep gamers within the PlayStation ecosystem." The employee asked to remain anonymous, noting that Sony has yet to publicly announce its plans to ramp up the production of PS4 consoles. As noted by IGN, producing more PS4 consoles may also give Sony a leg up when it comes to negotiating for more up-to-date parts with manufacturers.

Though the demand is not as high, the numbers do support further manufacturing of PS4 consoles. Despite the PS5 being the envy of many consumers of the console gaming world, the PS4 still sold relatively well in 2021, with reports on Statista showing the eighth generation Sony console moving roughly 2 million units through November. Hopefully, PS5 units will become more plentiful as 2022 progresses. But for now, gamers seem to be more than happy continue playing Sony titles wherever they can.


