Gotham Knights' Nightwing Hilariously Breaks His Silence On Design Controversy

Fans have waited patiently for each piece of information about "Gotham Knights," the new DC licensed game from WB Games Montreal. Fans got the best news when they found out that "Gotham Knights" wouldn't be delayed any longer, and would finally arrive Oct. 25, 2022, but there's one thing that still irked some longtime readers of DC comics.


Some comics fans were upset that Nightwing's greatest asset – his well-defined glutes — was missing from footage of "Gotham Knights." Dick Grayson's famous posterior has been discussed in both DC comics and more broadly online, yet his behind didn't seem as, well, defined in the glimpses fans caught of "Gotham Knights."

In a Discord Q&A with the game's director, Geoff Ellenor, Ellenor said that he was "currently comfortable with the size of Nightwing's posterior" and had no plans to alter his character model (via TheGamer). However, that didn't stop fans from continuing to send DMs and memes to the game's developers or its cast.

"Gotham Knights" has a cast that's every bit as gorgeous in real life as in the game. Nightwing's voice actor, Christopher Sean, recently spoke about his own perceptions of Nightwing's famous behind to TheGamer, continuing the conversation about the hero's character model.


Sean weighs in on the debate

In a discussion with TheGamer at San Diego ComicCon, Sean addressed the issue head on, saying, "I'm not a flapjack kind of guy. I do my squats, I've done my lunges. They've padded me up quite a bit in the filming, so I feel that it's not an exact representation of what Nightwing should be. However I —" The Cinematic Director of "Gotham Knights," Wilson Mui, then interrupted Sean to talk about the motion capture process and how Sean might have felt uncomfortable in the skin-tight costume required to obtain an accurate character model. Sean concluded by saying, "I'm well endowed in the booty area, so I hope that reflects in game."


Meanwhile, the game's Creative Director, Patrick Redding, said there were currently no plans to change Nightwing's glutes in the final version of the game. Though he said he wasn't necessarily surprised at how passionate the fan community is about the issue, Redding indicated that their desires wouldn't shape the final version of the game.

Some on Twitter reported that the San Diego ComicCon panel talked about Nightwing's posterior several times, often inspired by the audience to do so. Fans have repeatedly brought up the topic, but will have to wait until October to see if their complaints result in massive gains.

