The New PS5 Model Changed More Than You Realized

With little fanfare, Sony managed to release a new version of the PS5 last month without anyone noticing. Well, almost anyone. It turns out that tech enthusiasts have already gotten their hands on the new model and begun testing its internal components. Perhaps surprisingly – considering that the new model isn't an official upgrade or Pro version – Sony changed more than fans may have realized.


This isn't the first time that Sony released an upgraded PS5 without making a big official announcement. In 2021, the company quietly released a modified version of the console, but the sad truth was that many thought the upgrade was really a backslide. Luckily, tests on the latest model revealed that things weren't as bad as gamers thought, and there was really nothing to worry about. In fact, the newer model packed in a few upgraded features. While the fans ran a bit louder than they did previously, the new PS5 model was lighter than its predecessor and featured a base screw that could be adjusted without the help of a screwdriver, making changing the position of the PS5 a breeze. Still, at the time these changes didn't really matter, as availability for the PS5 remained painfully scarce.


It seems that the latest model of the PS5, which has just begun to roll out in regions such as Australia, makes even more changes to the original model, improving it without pushing it into the territory of being an all-new Pro version. In fact, it seems that Sony has changed more than fans may notice at first glance, and tests have proven that the latest version of the PS5 packs in quite a few surprising features.

A lot has changed in the new PS5 model

Austin Evans, a technology enthusiast, YouTuber, and gamer, managed to get a hold of the latest PS5 model and compared it to the two previous models (the original PS5 and the updated 2021 version). The new "1200" model, as Evans called it, has a few key refinements from previous versions.


Before looking at internal components that may have changed, Evans decided to weigh all versions of the PS5. The 1200 model weighs significantly less than the original PS5, clocking in at 7.3 pounds, as opposed to the original model's 8.4 pounds. But what has Sony shaved down in order to knock off an entire pound of weight from the console?

Evans continued to unravel the mystery, checking the performance levels of each version. The latest PS5 model used less electricity than previous versions by almost 20 watts, and had similar noise output the 1000 and 1100 models.

Then, Evans broke into all three PS5 models, disassembling them to see what was new. It turns out there's a good reason for the new PS5 model's better cooling. The plastic plate under the faceplate has holes that allow for better heat distribution, revealing the heat sink without taking the system completely apart – and making the system lighter in the process. The 1200 model also has a different, lighter motherboard than the previous two models.


The 1200 model features an almost entirely rearranged setup inside, but one component is a distinct drawback: The CMOS battery, which was formerly relatively simple to replace, is now covered by the heat sink, making it inaccessible without completely dismantling the system. This battery issue has led to problems in the past, and could spell trouble once again. Needless to say, PS5 enthusiasts are excited for these changes.

Gamers have mixed reactions

Fans were quick to judge the new PS5 model. Some theorized that Sony's constant effort to reduce the size and increase the efficiency of the PS5 was a way for the company to practice making a slim version of the notoriously chunky console.


Others were upset that the newest model of the PS5 is likely less expensive to make but more expensive for consumers – at least in some parts of the world. Yet supply and demand, according to some gamers, dictates that the PS5 actually rise in price because of its scarcity. Some speculated that the newer version actually wasn't cheaper to make at all, and that the amount of research that went into the new improvements balances out any savings in cost. One gamer noted that cutting costs while also improving design simply benefits everyone.

A few gamers pointed out that a smaller heat sink isn't necessarily a good thing, and that perhaps consumers shouldn't put much emphasis on small improvements or changes. After all, it's not so unusual for companies to make upgrades to consoles without creating an entirely new version.


PS5 fans will hopefully receive good supply news soon, making it easier for everyone to get their hands on the latest and greatest model.

