What To Expect From Fall Guys' Wormhole Wanderers Event

Season 2 of "Fall Guys" is currently underway, having launched back in September. The new season, featuring an out-of-this-world space theme, has brought lots of new courses and new costumes that fit with the sci-fi aesthetic and have players jumping, shoving, and diving into the action. Now, Epic Games is ramping up the excitement with a new event beginning on October 20 that promises more fresh content to enjoy.


In an announcement trailer, the Wormhole Wanderers event was unveiled. It seems that some bean-bodied researchers had an accident and created wormholes all over the Blunderdome. This classic case of science gone wrong has spawned some new courses and challenges in the process. Wormhole Wanderers fits nicely with the space theme and will run from October 20 to October 26.

With such a limited time to enjoy the new content, players will want to join the event as soon as they can and know what changes to expect so they can experience as much as possible. While all the details haven't been revealed and fans may not know everything until the event begins, there are hints at what will be coming when wormholes come to "Fall Guys."


Wormholes shake up rounds and bring new challentes

As the trailer and recent tweets reveal, the event, as might be expected, revolves around wormholes. These portals will be popping up in Solo, Duo, and Squad rounds and will shake up movement across courses. The "Fall Guys" Twitter account cheekily pointed out, these wormholes will work as portals with exit points unclear and "Fall Guys" is taking no responsibility for your little bean's safety.


It appears that these portals will appear in a variety of different rounds, making races more challenging by confusing players about where they're going and adding new twists to non-race rounds, as certain areas are made accessible only by finding the right portal. With this new mechanic will come new challenges and the opportunity to unlock themed rewards. Just how many new rewards or items will be introduced isn't clear at this time, though the trailer did prominently feature a new costume featuring circular patterns all over it and goggles with a similar theme.

Fans who have already seen everything Season 2 has to offer and shot up the season pass will definitely want to check this event out for some fresh experiences. Watch for more details when the event begins this Thursday. 


