How Long Does It Take To Beat God Of War Ragnarok?

"God of War Ragnarok" is easily one of the most anticipated games of 2022. Despite dealing with tumultuous situations regarding leaksspoilers, and even backlash towards developer Santa Monica Studios following a previous delay, many fans of the action series still seem eager to play through the next chapter in the "God of War" timeline. While players may not know exactly what "God of War Ragnarok" has in store for Kratos and his son Atreus, Norse mythology would infer that the two are about to face some apocalyptic adventures.


The long-awaited "God of War Ragnarok" is scheduled to be released for PlayStation 4 and 5 on November 9, 2022, while a future PC port is also possible. As with past installments, fans expect a blockbuster-type experience filled to the brim with content and the series' signature lore and mythology. Of course, this begs the question — how long will it take players to experience the game in full? 

Here's how long it takes to beat "God of War Ragnarok," according to reviewers.

God of War Ragnarok takes approximately 40 hours to complete

"God of War Ragnarok" doesn't seem short on content. According to most reviewers, even when played for just narrative, the game takes over 30 hours to beat. However, if players engage with some side content, "God of War Ragnarok" can quickly push its runtime to 35 hours and beyond. Writing for Kotaku, Zack Zwiesen mentioned that his playthrough of the story ran at about 35 hours and that there was still plenty to do by the end of it. After completing most side missions in addition to the main story, Zwiesen's playthrough had surpassed 40 hours.


Paul Tassi of Forbes spent a similar amount of time with "Ragnarok." According to Tassi, he had pretty much beaten everything there was to beat in about 37 hours, though he mentioned 100-percenting the game would require at least a few more hours. In a somewhat negative account of the game for Polygon, Alexis Ong said they had spent 35 hours with "Ragnarok" before completing it. Daniel Van Boom of CNET seemed to take his time during his review, saying it took 40 hours just to beat the main quest.

Overall, even if players are in a rush, don't expect "God of War Ragnarok" to take less than 30-35 hours to beat. And if fans play the game methodically and patiently, a playthrough can easily reach 40 hours — maybe even longer.


