How Dodge Cancels And Dodge Offsetting Work In Bayonetta 3

With "Bayonetta 3" in the hands of players all over the world, it was only a matter of time before the game's secrets were discovered, and its fantastical combat was mastered. As is tradition for the series, fans can play as Jeanne, Bayonetta's longtime gal pal, for a second playthrough of the game. Playing through another time could prove useful for finding any of the multitudes of collectibles that were missed on the first run, and, of course, it leads to unlocking an entire Secret Chapter.


With all of that playtime, players can make the most out of their game with Bayonetta's stylish combat moves. "Bayonetta 3" includes the series first of Demon Slave Attacks, but it also sees some of the mechanics from its predecessors make a return. Specifically, Dodge Canceling and Dodge Offsetting. While these techniques can take some getting used to, learning them can give players that extra oomph to pull off impressive combos.

Dodge Canceling works on nearly any of Bayonetta's moves

First things first: Dodge Canceling. While the name sounds as if one will be canceling their dodge, Dodge Canceling actually accomplishes the opposite. Player attacks can be canceled out by performing a dodge. This means that any form of attack with one of the eight weapons available in "Bayonetta 3," Demon Slave Attacks, or even jumping can all be canceled by simply pressing the dodge button. 


It's not tricky to pull this off, but it might take some getting used to. Of course, gamers may want to finish off the impressive combo they've been building rather than worry about an incoming attack, but staying alive during the high-octane combat of "Bayonetta 3" sometimes demands it. Luckily, there's a way to avoid attacks while preserving a combo, and that is with Dodge Offsetting.

Dodge Offsetting is, thankfully, outlined within the game itself as part of Bayonetta's unlockable skills menu. However, it's an innate skill that users have from the beginning. Essentially, players must perform a dodge while holding the attack button most recently pressed during a combo. Specifically, as the game points out, this will either be a punch or kick button. Then, once the player's dodge is complete, another press of the attack button will continue Bayonetta's series of attacks that she was unleashing before the dodge.


It's certainly tricky to come to grips with, but with time and practice, it starts to make more sense in motion. Mastering both Dodge Canceling and Dodge Offsetting can not only help players stay alive more effectively in the hectic combat of "Bayonetta 3," but it feels great to pull off as well. 

