Destiny 2 Redesigns Tower In A Heartbreaking Tribute To Cayde-6

Cayde-6 is one of the most beloved characters in the "Destiny" franchise. When the Exo Hunter Vanguard leader first hit players' screens in the original "Destiny," he won them over with his sarcastic wit, humor, and charm. Cayde-6 is best known for cracking jokes and making light of even the most serious situations, making him one of the most fun characters to be around. He also had the benefit of being voiced by veteran actor Nathan Fillion, who gave the character some impressive depth thanks to his charming and charismatic performances. Cayde-6 stuck around for some time, fighting alongside the player's character to save the galaxy on numerous occasions.


As the series progressed, players got to learn more about his complicated backstory. Tragically during the Forsaken DLC, Cayde-6 died at the hands of Uldren Sov. And as gamers know, it's never easy to see a favorite character get killed off. Many hoped he would return at some point, but Bungie has confirmed that he is officially dead and won't return. And in the last update, Bungie cemented his fate as a fallen hero with a new memorial that players can visit right now.

A new Cayde memorial statue added to the Tower Hub

With the new update, "Destiny 2," gamers noticed a strange new statue with flowers placed in front of it in the Tower Hub. Upon further inspection, gamers realized that the memorial honors the fallen hero Cayde-6 himself. But it's more than just a lifeless object. If players go up and interact with Cayde-6's head statue, some interesting messages play. These messages are dialogue from other characters who knew Cayde-6 and are reminiscing about their time together. For example, former ally Devrim Kay can be heard saying, "was Cayde frustrating? At times but it was part of his charm. A lovable fool... and quite the shot, to boot."


This isn't the first memorial of Cayde-6 added to "Destiny 2." There are a few memorials in the Tower Hub, such as the framed picture of him in the spicy ramen shop and an engraving of his signature weapon located behind Zavala. However, this one may be more significant than all the rest. Players theorize that because "Destiny 2" is wrapping up the saga soon, the Tower Hub may soon be turned to rubble. And that this memorial acts as one final sendoff for the fan-favorite wisecracker. In the meantime, gamers can dive into "Lightfall" and try their luck against one of the best new enemies the series has ever added and test out the new Strand subclass.

