Borderlands 3 Gets A Legendary Event And Much-Needed Updates

For devoted players, Borderlands 3 is literally the gift that keeps on giving. A new event just launched today for the game that aims to give players the best loot possible. It's called "Rare Chest Riches," and we've got the details on it right here.


"During this mini-event, which is scheduled to run for two weeks, the rarity of loot inside all Rare Chests will be increased, giving you a better shot at Legendary items any time you open one," reads the announcement on the official Borderlands site. "The increased rarity of loot will also apply when you watch a streamer on Twitch open a Rare Chest while both of you have the ECHOcast Twitch Extension enabled."

This is great news for Vault Hunters who are enjoying the game but wish they could get their hands on better weaponry. It's also a brilliant way to further advertise the ECHOcast Twitch Extension. Previous Rare Chest events have increased the connectivity between Twitch streamers and their fanbases, so it's cool to see Gearbox doing something similar again.


This event would be enough to get folks excited, but there are actually a few other quality of life improvements coming with today's Borderlands 3 update.

Borderlands 3 gets a few helpful adjustments

In addition to the exciting new event, today's update also brings a number of adjustments to Borderlands 3. Today sees the end of the difficulty-scaled version of Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite event, which is a bummer for single players who haven't checked out that mission yet. However, there are a few other smaller fixes to be happy about. 


Gearbox has fixed a physics glitch that caused players to be cast into the sky during the mission "One Man's Treasure." This glitch was an unfortunate blemish in the otherwise excellent Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot DLC. Now players can complete that DLC without fear of being betrayed by gravity. 

The patch also boosts the probability of finding Legendary weaponry when opening one of the "car trunk" loot boxes scattered around the galaxy. In other words, if you see a red hot rod poking out of some junk, you'd better book it over there. You may just find the sniper rifle of your dreams waiting within.

