PewDiePie Reveals Why He Won't Forgive Alinity

Over the years, Twitch streamer Alinity has feuded with quite a few people in the entertainment industry. One of these is superstar YouTuber PewDiePie. However, Alinity has been very vocal in recent weeks regarding her struggles with anxiety and depression, which has led to quite a few people rethinking their stances on the controversial streamer. Despite this, as seen in a new video, it seems as though PewDiePie is sticking to his guns regarding his feelings toward Alinity.


In a recent upload to his channel, PewDiePIe watched a video clip of Alinity's emotional Twitch stream in which she explained to her viewers the kind of pressure she has been under. Most notably, she told her viewers that she had struggled with suicidal thoughts and she wanted people to know that the words that they say have an impact on people.

For a moment, it seemed as though PewDiePie is at a loss for words. Then, he made his feelings known. He explained, "I can't feel sad for her ... It's obviously horrible that she got to that point, but to get people to stop harassing her would be so easy."

PewDiePie seems to think that a lot of Alinity's issues come from the fact that she hasn't owned up to other bits of drama she's been involved with. The big thing that PewDiePie brings up in his video is the copyright striking drama that occurred between himself and Alinity a couple of years ago. In the midst of a feud between PewDiePie and Alinity, it was revealed that Alinity had in fact profited off of a series of copy strikes on other people's videos. This revelation occurred after Alinity had made comments about possible copy striking PewDiePie's channel.


According to PewDiePie, he feels he gave her multiple opportunities to apologize, but he doesn't see that as having happened. 

"It was so clear that she didn't want to own up to what she did," said PewDiePie. "She didn't want to just be like, 'You know what? Yeah, even though I wasn't technically the one that copyright striked the videos, I still took credit for it, and I was acting all up in arms about it.'"

So what would PewDiePie have preferred to see from Alinity? Apparently, he thinks that a lot of the drama she's found herself in could have been avoided if she were a little more forthcoming with an apology. 

"Just some acknowledgment, I think people would have backed off," said PewDiePie. "I could see that it was so clear that she had no intention of doing that whatsoever."

PewDiePie also gets into some of the other drama that has followed Alinity over the past few years. In particular, he mentions the numerous scandals involving Alinity's cats. In the past, Alinity has been accused of animal abuse. In one case, she was seen on stream spitting vodka into her cat's mouth. She has also been seen throwing a cat over her head during a stream, another instance that PewDiePie specifically brings up. While Alinity has been cleared of wrongdoing after an investigation, these moments are still prominent in the minds of many Twitch viewers.


PewDiePie isn't the only content creator to react to Alinity's emotional messages. Not long after the stream that Pewds is reacting to, both Ninja and games journalist Rod Breslau reached out to apologize to Alinity for their dismissive comments in the past. Alinity seemed to greatly appreciate the gesture, even taking back calling Ninja "toxic." She also went live with psychiatrist streamer Dr. K, who made an attempt to walk her through the preceding few months of drama.

Among other things, Alinity explained to Dr. K that she has been blamed for Dr Disrespect's mysterious Twitch ban. She also reiterated her feelings of self harm, but reassured Dr. K and his viewers that she had a good support system in place.

It appears as though there's no love lost between PewDiePie and Alinity. However, it is interesting to see PewDiePie engaging with her story and acknowledging that she's been in a bad spot. Who knows? Maybe things will eventually cool off between the two.

It's worth noting that Alinity actually has offered an apology to her viewers and fellow content creators. On her Twitter account last week, she thanked everyone who had shown support for her mental health struggle and also made a promise to her fans. 


"The amount of support is incredible, it's impossible to thank everyone so I hope saying it here is good enough," she wrote. "Thank you. I will be better."

