This New Fall Guys Feature Is Causing An Uproar

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout has had a wildly successful first season. With the game ramping up for a medieval-themed second season, it's no surprise that developer Mediatonic would have a few more changes in store for gamers. However, no one could have predicted the latest bit of chaos coming to Fall Guys


Introducing: Big Yeetus.

The official Fall Guys Twitter account recently announced the upcoming addition of a new device called "Big Yeetus." This appears to be a massive pink hammer with the power to smack the player character large distances, quite literally "yeeting" them across the stage, as the kids would say.

According to the tweet, Big Yeetus is going to be a bit of a wild card within the game. "Big Yeetus will randomly appear in levels," read the tweet. "To shake things up."


The tweet also explained that Big Yeetus is neither good or evil. "Big Yeetus is Chaotic Neutral ... Big Yeetus is not your friend ... Big Yeetus is not your enemy," it said.

As pointed out by a few fans on Twitter, the last part of that Fall Guys tweet may be a reference to a line of dialogue from the ending of Destiny 2: Shadowkeep. At this time, however, it is very unclear if Big Yeetus will end up being anyone's salvation.

The announcement tweet was accompanied by a short gif of Big Yeetus in action. In the gif, a lone bean can be seen making its way through the Dizzy Heights level of Fall Guys, coming upon Big Yeetus rotating about in midair. It appears as though the player then decides to jump up and let Big Yeetus knock them across the map. This suggests that Big Yeetus can indeed be used for good and bad, even occasionally allowing for an incredible boost across a level. However, given how difficult aiming a jump can sometimes be in Fall Guys, this strategy is not at all a sure thing.

It has also been pointed out by a few fans that the gigantic rolling balls usually seen at this part of Dizzy Heights have seemingly been replaced by huge watermelons. It is a funny visual, but it's interesting that it's not commented on by the accompanying tweet. The presence of those watermelons seems to be the developer's sly way of telling fans that Big Yeetus won't be the only upcoming random change to the game.


As with any notable alteration to a popular multiplayer game, the Big Yeetus announcement has been met with a decidedly mixed response. The replies to the announcement tweet have ranged from feverish excitement to utter frustration.

Some players seemed super excited by the addition of Big Yeetus, with a few commenting that they couldn't wait to be yeeted by the big hammer. Others seemed apprehensive regarding Big Yeetus. As one player mentioned, there are a few levels in Fall Guys that could become significantly more difficult if Big Yeetus decides to spawn there.

A few fans mentioned that they'd been dealing with a large number of hackers in the game, so they weren't too excited for the arrival of Big Yeetus. One person remarked that they'd much rather see Mediatonic take care of cheaters and hackers before adding any more new elements to the game.

Speedrunner GrandPooBear seemed to relish in the challenge that Big Yeetus could bring, tweeting, "[Please] more random changes in levels at random times to keep us on our toes."

Fall Guys is already a difficult game to master, with some players being overwhelmed by the game's purposefully wonky controls and physics. Twitch streamer TimTheTatman is one of the more high profile gamers who can't seem to get the hang of Fall Guys, much to the delight of the official Fall Guys Twitter account. In other words, Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout is just as challenging as it is fun, and Big Yeetus may end up being a fantastic addition to the game.


It's unclear when Big Yeetus will be officially added to the game, but it probably won't be too long of a wait. At this point, it looks like Fall Guys is going to be around for quite a while, so it's a good thing that Mediatonic is continuing to find ways to make the game feel fresh. 

It will also be interesting to see what impact Big Yeetus has on the game on a larger scale. Panda Global recently announced the formation of the first-ever Fall Guys pro team. However, that team has an interesting rule: anyone who loses in a qualifying round is off the team. In a world with Big Yeetus, how many team members are going to be yeeted off that team's roster now?

