Nioh 2 Developer May Have Several New Games In The Works

Team Ninja, the development team behind Nioh and a variety of Dynasty Warriors titles, are looking to gear up for an exciting year. During a recent interview with 4Gamer, a Japanese gaming media outlet, developers and producers on Team Ninja hinted at new projects in the works that the team is looking to debut in 2021.


The interview was conducted in Japanese, but various sources have confirmed that Team Ninja producer and game director Fumihiko Yasuda said the studio is working on "several new titles." While he didn't indicate the exact timeline for when gamers will see these upcoming projects, it's likely that Team Ninja might drop a few of them this year. Additionally, whatever the developer is working on is very much under wraps, so at the moment, it's difficult to say if Team Ninja is going to work on existing franchises like Nioh or create an entirely new IP.

Speculatively speaking, one of these new projects that could release this year is another entry in the Ninja Gaiden series. During an interview with IGN last year, Yasuda discussed the series, reassuring fans that the team hadn't forgotten about Ninja Gaiden. When asked about the possibility of making a new Ninja Gaiden entry, Yasuda's response seemed promising. "The core members of the team that worked on Ninja Gaiden want to make a new game," he said. "We are aware that some fans wanted Ninja Gaiden more than Nioh 2. Now we see a lot of ninja games...and we see a lot of good inspirations in those games, so we hope to deliver some good news one day."


What is definitely certain, though, is that Team Ninja will release Nioh 2: The Complete Edition and The Nioh Collection on February 5, 2021. The former is essentially the PS4-definitive version of Nioh 2, which includes all of the game's DLC, while the latter is a PS5 remaster of both Nioh and Nioh 2, complete with each game's respective DLC. The Nioh Collection promises faster load times, 120 FPS, enhanced visuals, and the ability to transfer over PS4 save data. Additionally, those who decide to buy Nioh 2: The Complete Edition will be able to upgrade to the PS5 version of the game for free.

Considering that these upcoming Nioh titles are set to drop next month, that leaves the rest of the year for Team Ninja to roll out new projects. While the development team has yet to confirm what these new titles they hinted at will be, it's still exciting news for those who've enjoyed the team's previous games.

