Alinty Opens Up About The Cat Toss

Alinity is known on Twitch for being looped into all sorts of controversies. She's feuded with more than a few famous people in her time, and fans have even suspected that she might have something to do with Dr. Disrespect's lifetime ban. That being said, there's one incident she hasn't discussed extensively until now. Finally, Alinity had opened up about the infamous cat toss, and she did it all with Vtuber CodeMiko.


After Miko said she felt angry about the backlash against Alinity appearing on her show. To this, Alinity directly referenced fan's reactions. "This is how I see it," Alinity said. "You know, if all that you know about me is the things that, like, the clips and the things that have been on [LivestreamFail], I don't blame you for hating me ... because it's pretty bad." Miko responded with shock, saying, "You're so sweet."

Though neither Alinity nor Miko mention the cats specifically, they both stated that what the clips they were referring to happened a couple of years ago. They were alluding to two particular incidents involving Alinity's cats, one where she spit vodka into her cat's mouth and one where she threw a cat over her shoulder


Miko explained, "Those clips have happened such a long time ago ... like if we're real, it's been a while and, um, you deserve, you don't deserve all that hate." Alinity disagreed, saying that at the beginning, she did deserve it, commenting that it was "f***ed up." She said, "There's a difference between being the type of person that does s*** regularly to hurt others, and like, hurt animals, versus me just, like, really having a moment ... but I had never done something like that before and I had never done something like that afterwards."

Alinity also explained that she tried to make things right with fans by inviting the ASPCA into her home for an inspection, apologizing publicly, and admitting that she'd done something wrong. However, Alinity said, people don't search for those types of videos, and instead they choose to share the same clips over and over. To help prove her point, Alinity showed her cat Milo off onscreen and noted that he was comfortable and kneading her shoulder. 

Although some streamers, like PewDiePie, have stated that they'll never forgive Alinity for her treatment of animals, it seems that she's trying to reform her reputation after taking a brief step away from streaming.


