Cyberpunk 2077 Now Facing One Mega Lawsuit

To say that CD Projekt Red has been having a rough time following the botched release of "Cyberpunk 2077" would be the understatement of the millennium. While some critics lauded the title for its sprawling world and sense of immersion, others... didn't. Likewise, a vocal cadre of fans hasn't been shy about voicing their frustrations with the game's many bugs, glitches, and poorly implemented gameplay mechanics, many of which still remain despite massive patches.


While most games suffering from this type of post-launch peril are often forgotten following their release, there's one group of people that hasn't forgotten "Cyberpunk 2077" and its many woes — CDPR's investors. In fact, they even filed a class action lawsuit against the company, alleging that it "purposefully misled shareholders and customers" and that CDPR knew the full extent of the game's poor optimization and myriad bugs. Shortly afterward, a second class action lawsuit was filed against CDPR, which "covers the same ground as the previous suit."

These legal woes haven't let up either, as a regulatory announcement on CDPR's official website explains that an additional two lawsuits have been consolidated into one large lawsuit by the court. CDPR explained, "Following this consolidation, all four lawsuits will be subject to potential common court proceedings."


Interestingly, while two of these lawsuits are widely known to have been filed by investors, the other two are not fully explained in CDPR's announcement. However, given that they've been attached to the investors' class action lawsuits, it's likely that they're related.

A brief history of CD Projekt Red's fall from grace

CD Projekt Red might be up to its ears in lawsuits, but legal trouble isn't the only debacle the once-beloved company has faced in the last few months. Obviously, the first major issue the company faced was the backlash stemming from the lackluster launch of "Cyberpunk 2077," which cost the company over $1 billion.


It turns out that, according to CDPR's developers, the company's management team was at fault for alleging that the game was "complete and playable" as far back as January 2020 (which, for all intents and purposes, investors likely believed at the time), as well as for pushing employees to their limits during crunch.

Then, in January, it was revealed that a hacker had stolen the source codes for "Cyberpunk 2077," "Gwent," and an unreleased version of "Witcher 3," holding them for an undisclosed ransom. The following month, after CDPR refused to pay said ransom, the cyberattacker attempted to auction off the data on the website EXPLOIT, eventually settling with an anonymous buyer outside of the listing. This whole kerfuffle resulted in the delay of the highly anticipated patch 1.2 for "Cyberpunk."


This brings us to the aforementioned lawsuits. While these legal developments may seem dire, CD Projekt Red has previously vowed to — and will likely continue to — "undertake vigorous action to defend itself against any such claims." Only time will tell exactly how things pan out for the embattled company.

