Cyberpunk 2077 Is Returning To PlayStation, But There's A Catch

Earlier this week, "Cyberpunk 2077" briefly appeared on the PlayStation Store as an item people could add to their Wishlists, hinting that a return to the platform was inevitable (via Kotaku). Now, CD Projekt has released a statement that confirms everyone's theories surrounding the title's PlayStation Store homecoming. Fans would assume that its return means that the game is all fixed and ready to go. However, a PlayStation rep has informed Axios that performance issues are still possible with the rereleased version of the game.


"Users will continue to experience performance issues with the PS4 edition while CD Projekt Red continues to improve stability across all platforms," the rep told Axios. "[PlayStation management] recommends playing the title on PS4 Pro or PS5 for the best experience.​"

CD Projekt Red didn't give up on the game after its famously botched launch. In fact, the latest patch released on March 2021 fixed so many errors that it was basically like a new game. So even though PlayStationhas  warned users to err on the side of caution, it's not clear how buggy the experience will really be, particular with the CDPR team continuously working to improve the game. 

Interested fans can find out for themselves when "Cyberpunk 2077" returns to the PlayStation Store on June 21, 2021.


What happened with Cyberpunk 2077?

"Cyberpunk 2077" was supposed to be a dream game for CD Projekt fans. After all, this was the company behind "Witcher 3," a celebrated RPG with hours of content and polished side quests.

Unfortunately "Cyberpunk 2077" released with a bunch of bugs, especially for last-gen consoles. Even worse, it has been revealed that the development team knew about the glitches before launch. CDPR suffered all sorts of backlash, including customers lining up for refunds and investors filing lawsuits after feeling misled.


"Cyberpunk 2077" was removed from the PlayStation Store about a week after its release in December 2020. PlayStation hardly ever delists games from its store, which sent a message to onlookers that the problem was indeed in a bad place. 

Earlier this week, Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Jim Ryan talked to Axios about the removal of "Cyberpunk 2077," and he seemed to stand by the decision. "This was a tough decision for us to make, but ultimately, we had to act in the interests of the PlayStation Community, and not knowingly sell a game that might result in a bad experience for them," he said.

Hopefully, even with the warning from PlayStation, the newest version of "Cyberpunk 2077" won't cause anymore drama.


