Halo Infinite Is Making Everyone Else Jealous

"Halo Infinite" turned out to be a major highlight of Xbox's presentation for E3 2021, and was one of the major factors in making Xbox the winner of E3. The presentation featured an extensive look at the new game's free-to-play multiplayer mode and highlighted many of the new features coming to the "Halo" series' latest installment.


"Halo Infinite" had quite a bit more to offer in comparison to last year's Xbox Games Showcase, which cast doubt on the future of the Series X. Now that players know a bit more about the new game's cross-play and cross-progression features, some fans of other games are reportedly becoming jealous. 

According to GameRant, in a Reddit post now taken down by moderators, user ConwayJet described the new "Halo" game's battle pass system in full and compared it to the battle pass seen in "Destiny" and "Destiny 2." Essentially, "Halo Infinite" allows for battle passes that never expire, so players can take all the time they want switching between battle passes and unlocking everything, whereas "Destiny 2" features battle passes that eventually expire.


Even though the original Reddit post by ConwayJet was removed, some commenters voiced their opinions on the topic. For instance, user OhMyGoth1 said they were "still disappointed" to have missed out on unlockables from previous "Destiny 2" seasons — something that might never happen with the "Halo Infinite" battle pass.

The general consensus seems to be that more people want their favorite games to follow the "Halo Infinite" battle pass blueprint.

More battle pass system info and reception

Members of the "Apex Legends" community expressed similar sentiments. In a Reddit user Raxus001 stated, "It would be a brilliant idea to have a menu tab in the lobby that allows us to look back on all the battle passes in 'Apex' and purchase any that we missed so that we can have the chance to get the goodies that newer players (or players that took a break) have missed out on." They reasoned it would also garner more revenue, as well.


A post on Halo Waypoint sheds some more light on what the battle pass system in "Halo Infinite" will entail, mostly with regard to customization options. "A key component of the new Halo Infinite multiplayer experience is your personal Spartan that's meant to grow and evolve month after month, season after season," the post states. "Each season will feature a new assortment of customization pieces and components that can be earned via gameplay, challenges, events, and purchase." Again, unlike with other battle passes, "Halo Infinite" will allow players to collect plenty of goodies over multiple seasons, all without the fear of running out time to do so.

"Halo Infinite" is currently slated to release later this year on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. For those eager to try out the multiplayer for themselves, 343 Industries Community Director Brian Jarrard tweeted there will be "technical previews later this summer" for members of the "Halo" Insider program.


