Halo Infinite Is Finally Launching This Beloved Mode

"Halo Infinite" hasn't had it easy since the title was revealed back in 2018. Facing numerous delays and missing all-important features at launch, the title even stumbled coming out of the gate amid issues with a relentlessly grindy multiplayer experience that was often riddled with cheaters. That said, many of these issues were leveled at the multiplayer modes for the title, with the campaign for "Halo Infinite" received well by players and critics alike. Though the single-player option for the title found favor with fans faster than the multiplayer, it wasn't without faults. Namely, there was no co-op in "Halo Infinite" — something fans of the series have been able to do since the very first game. 


Now, it seems 343 Industries has a little more information regarding the MIA campaign co-op, but it is proving divisive among players. 343 posted a Tweet on June 7 that indicates that the dev team hasn't forgotten about co-op, and that some players will even be able to test drive the feature using the Halo Test Flight program before it's implemented into the game. That said, the wording on when players might expect a finished version of campaign co-op was extremely vague, fueling some players' belief that it'll miss the previously set August release target.

Co-op Test Flight in July, full release later this year

Releasing a "Halo" title without co-op has really soured some fans' experience with "Halo Infinite." It's something that's been present in every major release for the franchise, and something players felt was part of the "Halo" DNA. So, when 343 Tweeted out some news about the fan-favorite feature, one might expect the community to greet any whisper of information with open arms. Unfortunately, it only served to create a divide between two camps of "Halo Infinite" players: those who eagerly await improvements and those who've become jaded.


In its Tweet, 343 said, "With #HaloInfinite campaign network co-op arriving later this year, we're planning to flight it to Halo Insiders in July." Though some met this news with newfound excitement, others scrutinized the language used in the post and theorized the feature could miss its previously stated release date. In a roadmap posted in April, 343 set August as the target release for campaign co-op — but in the recent Tweet, fans have zeroed in on the fact the "Halo" makers are now saying 'later this year.' Of course, August is later this year, but players are left wondering why 343 is wording the announcement so vaguely instead of just continuing to say August or something like 'a couple of months.' Naturally, this will remain fan speculation until 343 offers some clarity, but hopefully, this doesn't mean yet another delay for this all-important "Halo Infinite" feature.


