Silent Hill: One Thing Was Missing From The Big Showcase

"Silent Hill" fans just got a massive collection of exciting announcements during Konami's "Silent Hill" Transmission event this week. The publisher has finally decided to revive the long-dormant franchise with a host of new games and other content. Gamers were treated to previews of a "Silent Hill 2" remake as well as new games, "Silent Hill: Townfall" and the mysterious "Silent Hill f." They also got news about the upcoming online interactive experience "Silent Hill: Ascension," as well as an all-new film adaptation, "Return to Silent Hill."


This is certainly lots of cool and creepy stuff to look forward to, but it's also the nature of people to always want more. Some observers are focusing more on what wasn't featured at Konami's showcase. Amongst all the interviews, previews, trailers, and announcements, one game players have heard about in recent weeks was conspicuously absent. Now, some are wondering what this exclusion means — and if we can expect more reveals in the near future.

No word on Silent Hill Short Message

Back in September, it was reported that the video game licensing authority in South Korea had rated a game titled "Silent Hill: The Short Message." This led to speculation that a new game in the series was on the way, although no other details were uncovered at the time. When Konami announced its "Silent Hill" Transmission last week, some fans suspected "The Short Message" would be revealed at that time. The event came and went, however, with no mention of the title.


On forums like ResetEra, fans are asking why they didn't hear about the one game that had already been partially revealed. Some are joking that it must have been a "REALLY short message," while others are trying to guess what may have happened.

On Twitter, YouTuber Lance McDonald suggested that "The Short Message" could have been canceled after footage of the game was leaked. On the other hand, noted leaker and industry observer AestheticGamer guessed that Konami simply wasn't ready to unveil this particular project, which means it could still be revealed as a surprise at a later date.

This is all, of course, speculation at this time. At present, the only things we know for certain are that a game called "Silent Hill: The Short Message" received a rating in South Korea, and that it wasn't announced at Konami's showcase. Still, this mystery should keep fans wondering until they've received confirmation one way or another.


