PlayStation Goes All In With Three Major TV Adaptations

TV adaptations of games are all the rage these days, and many more are on the way. For starters, Netflix has seen great success with both the "League of Legends"-inspired "Arcane" and "The Witcher," both of which have been renewed for fresh seasons. There are also plenty of big name adaptations currently in the works, from an HBO production of "The Last of Us" and a trippy anime take on "Nier" to an Amazon show based on "Life is Strange" and beyond.


Unfortunately, not all game adaptations fulfill fan hopes. Movies for popular titles like "Super Mario Bros." and "Need for Speed" have crashed and burned hard, so players know to temper their expectations. Even the best games don't always translate smoothly to TV or film. Plus, diehard followers bring high expectations given their love for the source material –- it can be hard to accept any deviations from the original.

All that said, the revelation that Sony has multiple high-profile game adaptations in the works has sparked significant excitement. Though there's no telling what direction the TV series will go, the fact that there will be three major PlayStation entries (in addition to "The Last of Us") made into shows is almost too much to take in at once.


Horizon, God of War, and Gran Turismo slated for TV adaptations

As announced during a May 26 Sony investor briefing (via IGNand captured by industry pro David Gibson on Twitter, PlayStation is going all in with TV adaptations for "Horizon" on Netflix, "God of War" on Amazon, and "Gran Turismo" on a yet-to-be-announced platform. The company couldn't have chosen three more different games, so there are endless opportunities for how they will be transformed into TV shows.


Word about the "God of War" series was shared previously, and there's still a lot to learn about what direction it will take. Given the series' incredibly rich timeline and lore, the show has the potential to appeal to both old and new "God of War" gamers depending on its focus and quality.

As for "Horizon," this year's critically acclaimed "Forbidden West" will certainly spark momentum for the upcoming adaptation. Though not as vast as the world of "God of War," the immense playtimes for the in-depth plots of both "Forbidden West" and "Zero Dawn" suggest the show will be equally deep. For both of these series, choices around casting and story progression will be make-or-break, especially for fans of the games hoping to see their beloved titles properly portrayed.


Last but not least, "Gran Turismo" is a total wildcard. The racing game doesn't have much by way of a plot. Plus, considering the issues with the most recent installment in the franchise, it's hard to know what the folks at PlayStation have in mind. All eyes are on Sony for further announcements to flesh out the vision for this trio of game TV adaptations.

