Dr Disrespect Isn't Done Taking Shots At Call Of Duty: Warzone 2.0

It's safe to say Dr Disrespect has a love-hate relationship with "Call of Duty." The streaming megastar previously worked as a map designer for "Call of Duty," but ever since he became a full-time streamer, he has frequently voiced disdain for the series' direction. Specifically, the Two-time has a lot of issues with the battle royale mode "Warzone," which he has previously called a 'pathetic game.' And the introduction of "Warzone 2" didn't seem to fix his problems, as he frequently criticizes one major aspect of the sequel.


And according to The Doc himself, his unrelenting criticism of Activision has even gotten him blacklisted from future "Call of Duty" events. But despite the Two-time relentlessly throwing shade at "Warzone 2.0," he still boots up the game regularly. Recently, however, the Doc laid into "Warzone 2.0" like never before, criticizing the developers and the overall state of the game in an anger-fueled rant.

He thinks the game is too low-skill

Dr Disrespect began his session by explaining that he couldn't get into DMZ, calling it "boring to watch." But after a few deaths in "Warzone 2," he had even harsher words to say about the battle royale. After getting eliminated in 50th place, the Doc lost it and angrily stated, "It's crazy how they allow brainless gamers to win fights in this game." He continued, "That's just so horrible, allow anybody to beat a really good player." Dr Direspect even said he wouldn't want to be a part of the "Call of Duty" dev team because of this.


The Doc said that if he was on the dev team, he would speak up and say something like, "Man, I'm trying to build a f***ing skill gap. Not randomize damage." Later, he did have a few kind words, explaining that the Warzone 2 "foundation is nice," but "everything surrounding the foundation is atrocious," arguing that the game is only 60 percent there in terms of quality and needs much more work. And his buddy Zlaner backed him up, echoing his sentiment that the game needs a lot of work.

It's easy to see how Dr Disrespect's yearning for competitive gameplay could clash with Warzone 2.0 considering there are several reports of broad, lower-skilled gameplay – though not all users agree.

This competitiveness is something the Doc wants to bring to his upcoming game "Deadrop." But only time will tell how successful such a competitive shooter will be in an age where casual shooters such as "Warzone 2.0" and "Fortnite" dominate the market.


