The Untold Truth Of Grand Theft Auto Roleplaying

"Grand Theft Auto 5" continues to perform well, despite its age. It's one of the few games that has sold over 140 million copies, and with an updated version of the game on the way, it stands to sell many more. However, players aren't just buying "GTA 5" to experience the lengthy campaign. Instead, creative gamers have found ways to modify "GTA 5" and "Grand Theft Auto Online" to make them more interesting for themselves, including creating, moderating, and participating in roleplaying servers.


YouTuber Zes described "GTA 5" roleplay as a mode of play that uses mods to restrict certain types of behaviors and allow players to take on jobs typically reserved for NPCs. Gamers create a character and then play online with others while performing as that character, which is where the roleplaying aspect comes in. Players can get as creative as they want when making their other self in "GTA 5." Some roleplayers might want to be a drug kingpin and live a life of crime, while others might just want to own a shop and serve the community.

While playing a mechanic or fast food worker might sound boring to some "GTA" players, to others it's a way to express creativity and explore an alternate life. Roleplaying servers are nothing new, but "GTA 5" has breathed new life into the old form of storytelling.


GTA Roleplaying got its start from tabletop RPGs

Roleplaying has been around for a while — maybe forever. In some ways, ancient oral storytelling was a type of roleplay or acting, but the form really took off in the late 1970s with the advent of tabletop roleplaying game "Dungeons & Dragons." Matt Barton at Gamasutra traces roleplaying video games back to "Dungeons & Dragons," because tabletop games necessitate the creation of characters and the act of pretending to be that character, or at least making choices for that character. Video games that attempt to duplicate character immersion were a natural evolution of tabletop games.


People interested in roleplay have found ways to make systems work for their purposes. For example, Facebook once had a vibrant roleplay community even though it was intended to be used for real-life networking, not fictional characters. Similarly, players have modified "GTA" to fit their roleplaying needs. While it may not have been what Rockstar intended, it's what has happened, and the streaming world has experienced a boom in creative content makers as a result.

GTA Roleplaying allows for creative expression

"GTA" roleplaying servers offer a variety of roles for players to inhabit. A quick search online will turn up a variety of "GTA" roleplaying opportunities. From big name servers to offline comic creation, fans have found ways to express their creativity and play specific characters.


Of course, some streamers insist that "GTA" roleplaying servers have work to do when it comes to storytelling. xQc, played on the NoPixel "GTA" roleplaying server before being banned, has argued that people are more likely to have "popularity exchanges" when it comes to roleplay. He explained that many players undervalue the importance of story and their every interaction is about trying to get ahead.

Despite criticisms, roleplay servers allow players to be creative and to inhabit a character they otherwise wouldn't through normal play. For example, one player had to develop his own system of evidence gathering after getting promoted to junior detective at his police job in-game. Instead of breaking character or overlooking small details, players must use their ingenuity to make the world more believable.


GTA roleplayers have to follow rules

With online roleplaying comes rules. In order to maintain the reality of the world, server admins create complex systems of rules that players must follow in order to play. High profile servers, like NoPixel, have more rules than some, but each roleplaying group has some amount of regulations.


According to Polygon, a "GTA" roleplaying server called Legacy RP has an extensive application process for anyone wanting to join. Applications allow moderators to be more choosey when selectecting gamers who have a desire to roleplay and have given thought to their characters. That way, the city doesn't turn into total anarchy, and nonserious roleplayers don't have a chance to break character.

The NoPixel server also has a lengthy list of rules to keep players in check, and even has specified punishments for those that can't stay in line. Some of the guidelines cover things like using cheats or mods to gain an unfair advantage, but others address more subtle, roleplaying-related rules.

For example, players that encounter an issue on the NoPixel server are not allowed to break character to address the issue. Instead, they are instructed remain calm and in-character, waiting to report the incident once they're offline. Similarly, players are not allowed to learn information their characters wouldn't know (via Discord or throughout watching another stream). These rules help maintain the integrity of the world.


Streamers flocked to GTA roleplay

Players just getting into "GTA" roleplaying can thank streamers for the concept entering public consciousness. Streamers have flocked to "GTA" roleplay as a way to experience new roleplay opportunities. Even content creators who are famous for playing specific games have found themselves investigating the world of "GTA" roleplay.


For example, famous "Among Us" streamer Corpse Husband popped up in his buddy Sykkuno's "GTA" roleplay recently. The two have already made names for themselves through their banter and dynamic on stream, and roleplay seemingly provided even more of an opportunity for that friendship to shine through.

Of course, other streamers just want to cause chaos within the strictly moderated world. Streamer xQc has landed in trouble more than once on NoPixel's roleplaying server for losing his temper and breaking character. Even though fellow streamer Sykkuno came to his defense, xQc remains a controversial (and frequently banned) figure in the "GTA" roleplay community.

As more streamers and viewers discover "GTA" roleplay, it's likely that the niche form of play will become increasingly mainstream. When that day comes, hopefully there will be enough "GTA" roleplay servers to go around.


