Corpse Husband Is Sick Of This TikTok

One of the things Corpse Husband is most well known for (besides never showing his face) is his incredibly deep voice. The streamer may have made his name on Twitch and YouTube narrating scary stories and streaming himself playing "Among Us" with his other famous streamer friends, but it's starting to seem like he has gained the most popularity for his music — especially on TikTok. That's because Corpse Husband's music is fairly unique. It couples his low octave verses that reference anime and pop culture with beats that seem to cross hip hop and industrial genres. It's the sort of thing that really lends itself to the kind of viral shorts that excel on the video sharing platform's algorithm. He started with the song "MISS YOU!," but it was his follow-up, "E-Girls are Ruining My Life!" that went viral on the app and really brought his music career to the forefront. Now his new single, "Poltergeist" has just been released and it's already closing in on a million views on YouTube.


For all of the success his music has garnered on the platform, however, Corpse Husband doesn't actually post much on TikTok himself. He currently only has 11 videos posted, most of which exclusively feature his left hand as he talks or plays samples of his music. His newest video contains his first stitch, and an odd request for his fans to stop sending him deep-voiced animal TikToks.

Corpse Husband has seen enough deep voiced animals

The TikTok that Corpse Husband stitched was originally posted by @profesorchaoz. It features a black cat that meows with a voice so deep that many in the comment section claim that it sounds dubbed. In fact, the voice sounds a lot like the streamer himself. Corpse Husband's response to the video was pretty hilarious. "Hello. I still don't know how to use this app," he stated, sounding frustrated. "I have seen this video a million times. I get tagged in it a million times a year. I have seen the cat with the deep meow. I have seen the dog with the deep bark. I've seen the whole deep-voiced animal kingdom at this point. Stop tagging [me]."


It makes sense that Corpse's fans would think of him when they see these videos, since his voice is such a trademark of his content, but it seems that the creator has been drowning in these videos for a while now. His fans naturally took to the comments section, flooding it with nearly 17,000 comments. Many of them were amused by how frustrated Corpse had grown while others expressed their determination to find deep-voiced animal videos that he hadn't seen yet.

Getting sent the same cat video over and over does seem like a special kind of torture that should be reserved for those who truly deserve it. Hopefully, this particular cat won't be cluttering his inbox quite as frequently.

